Thursday, May 9, 2019

Oh hai. I should write..

So I realized I hadn't written in awhile.
I have an interview Monday at Blue Dog RV. I called back the hiring manager, expecting to just set an interview time, but wound up getting phone interviewed by him and the owner?manager? big boss, anyway. Felt blindsided, but I guess I did alright, since they set the in person interview. Position is service administrator, I think. Basically the liaison between customers and technicians. Similar to what I did at T&T and Trismart, but different product and in person instead of remote. I figured it would be a good way to learn more about RVs before I get one.
In other news, work shorted my check ($13 less than what I needed for bills-and about $100 less than I was expecting, and leaving no money for the week), but thankfully my brother was kind enough to help me get a rental car & gas money so I can go to Eugene this weekend for Jesse Creighton's memorial and to see my mom. Still waiting to hear from Annie if Daisy wants to tag along or not.
Work has been a bit better since Sir John and Heather and I had a sit down. John thought that I had said that he should treat me special because we are friends. I almost blew up. I did not say that, I WOULD NEVER say that, much less believe it. I have been a manager, and that is not something I would EVER say or believe. Whoever told him that was clearly trying to start shit. So yesterday's close with John was good, and we went to his place for wine after work. He had said in our meeting that we just shouldn't talk about work when we hang out. I didn't, until HE brought it up, lol. I thought that was funny. But then he clarified, no we just shouldn't talk about US at work outside of work, lol. I close with him again tonight, as closing bagger, which means in a check stand while we are busy and then cleaning registers and doing go backs closer to close. Jon Hitt wants me to come in as early as I can, but I woke up late this morning so I think I'll only go in an hour early.
Ok, that's my update, sorry for the lack of clever philosophical ramblings this time, maybe in my next entry. :)

Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...