Saturday, September 14, 2019

Kinda freaking out a bit.

So for some reason Chloe got denied financial aid. She's appealing (again) on Monday, but if she doesn't get it....we are completely fucked. She is almost $2000 behind on rent. As lenient as our landlord Tim has been, I don't think we could survive this. We will get evicted for sure. Being homeless right now would really fuck up my work life a lot. I am so close to having the life I want, this would be such a huge setback. I REALLY hope she wins her appeal. She was planning to buy the Magnum from me with her financial aid, and I was going to use the money to get another car. I NEEED a car, I'm seriously going crazy without one. My feet hurt so bad because I walk so much. I'm in agony at the end of every single day.
I just want to curl up in a ball and cry. But I can't. I have to be strong, and figure shit out. I'm trying SO hard, the universe wouldn't just fuck me like that, right?
Fingers crossed.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Today. On Why The Fuck Did I Do This...

Omg why did I get this tablet? It seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm going to need it on the road. I guess I'm just making shit happen as its presented to me. RV nao!!! Just saying.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The futures so bright..

...that I need to replace these rose colored glasses with shades.

Went to the RV show at the Expo Center today. Alone. Has a blast though. :)  And narrowed down what I am looking for in an RV. I also joined a Pokemon battle raid with a bunch of TMobile employees, lol. So here's what I found:
 I like this one a lot. It's called the Lepruchaun.

 Seems like it would feel like driving a UHaul, which I have done MANY time.
 Lots of extra storage space too.

 There's also no slide outs, which I LOVE (I don't like slideouts), and its under 30 ft.

Now I can't remember which pics go to which RVs dang it. So I'll just post them, screw it.

 This one was the Minnie Winnie. About 25 ft.

 Kind of what I want for my office.

 And this is Omar, at the TMobile booth. He hooked me up with some good stuff then we went on a Pokemon Go Battle raid with like 4 employees, lol.
Good times.

So. Thoughts after the RV show. Fuck I need to fix my credit. Oh and also make a LOT more money. I need to get my voice over work started. And my writing (hence the blog post even though I reeeally need to go to bed). Time to put plan into action, not just Pinterest pinning.

Ok though seriously I need to go to bed. Floor cleaners are coming to my store at 8am, which means I need to be on the 7:17am bus, which means waking up no later than 5 so I can shower and make breakfast and be out the door by 7. Ugh. Why did I go back into retail? No matter, it will be in the past once I'm on the road.

Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...