Sunday, January 23, 2022

No words.

 Except, I really need to blog more.

Today's topic is qualities I desire in a future partner, more specifically, a future road trip partner. A mechanic is a good place to start because I am lost when it comes to that. And they have to be someone I am happy to spend day in and day out within a small space. If they are already working remotely, that is a huge plus, but at least the ability to. I do not want to be the only source of income. Patient, supportive, understanding, tolerant. Someone who I can work with as a team, a partner in the truest sense. Aesthetically pleasing will get you in the door, but intelligence and compassion keep you from getting booted out. A great sense of humor helps too. I love to laugh. :)

Someone who adores me, flaws and all, is a must of course, which is in no way a one-way street. Someone who has flaws I can tolerate is necessary as well. I cannot tolerate racism, bigotry, extremist religious ideas, or extreme conservatism. I am the progressive left, after all. I cannot tolerate extreme poor hygiene, extreme slobbishness, or out-of-control addictions. 

Someone who can respect my friendship with my best friend, and will never demand that I choose between them. Someone who seeks solutions to problems rather than making demands, or walking away when things are rough. 

Wickedly funny and a little weird are bonuses. They have to be simpatico with MY weirdness and humor. Someone who doesn't hate musicals or sci-fi or fantasy. 

I may update this over time, but this will suffice for now.

Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...