Monday, January 2, 2023

And a new year begins...

 Xmas was nice, went to Colen's first, had Indian food for Xmas eve, then over to Noah's the next day, where he made us brunch and dinner and we did stockings and presents. Me, my mom, Kamal, Colen, Noah and Chloe, Lily, and Daisy. We all felt the absence of Annie, and the holiday felt kind of subdued.

Still no word from Mark. I still send him rental listings in Portland pretty much daily and sent him a selfie all dressed up on Xmas day. Nothing. But I guess waiting is easy when I don't exactly have suitors busting down my door. I just miss what we had for those short couple of months and want it back. Maybe by March? Or a surprise for my birthday in February? Fingers crossed.

New Year's Eve was short-lived, lol. I made my rum pudding tarts and bloody drunken dogs. Took those as well as my karaoke machine (Xmas gift from Noah and Chloe) and Cards Against Humanity set over to Christina's. I haven't been drinking at all lately and went too hard, too fast, and wound up home in bed passed out by 11pm. Slept most of New Year's Day. 

Now I have showered, done dishes, and talked to mom for a bit, and the only other thing on my agenda today is getting laundry done.

But things I need to get done soon: figure out how to get my driver's license reinstated WITHOUT doing that damn interlock device, ugh. Get car insurance and DEQ check so I can renew my car registration (all of which require $$). Get an oil change. Get new tires. More $$. 

GET THE DAMN LIVING ROOM DEALT WITH. Hopefully, Chloe will still be able to get the exterminators through OHSU, despite how long it has been. Get help getting rent caught up so I can go after the landlord for the rat issue. Get Chloe food stamps (the application is in, just waiting on them..).

In happier news, I should have a raise coming soon. When and how much, I have no clue. 

OMG, this entry is really boring. Sorry I have no philosophical insights or words of wisdom today. More like just trying to get all the stuff in my brain sorted out. Hopefully I'll have a more interesting entry before, say, February. :)

Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...