Sunday, November 5, 2023


 No more energy drinks. No more diet pepsi. No sweets. No carbs. No sodium. No booze. No cigarettes (that one I'm actually ok with. Not that I don't still want one from time to time, but I am happy to be free from the addiction). Ugh, what does that leave? What else am I too fat, too sick, and too old for? My body hates me and keeps breaking down on me. And cauliflower really isn't THAT good, people. Seriously.

So far getting older really SUCKS. I feel like all my joy in life is being sucked away. I need to find joy in new things, I guess. Any ideas? I'm trying so hard to find joy in drinking water, but it is almost impossible. Maybe I need to start smaller. 

And then there's the infestation, which is BEYOND overwhelming. Based on the blood smushes on my shirt, they were feasting on me as I slept. Eww. *shudder*  But getting rid of them is time consuming, expensive, and worst of all - not guranteed. At least we finally know where they came from. Small piece of mind. Upstairs neighbors had them, treated, and they all moved downstairs to be OUR problem. (Timing lines up). But Pat died (although he hasn't exactly left..that's another story), and Mike moved out, so the upstairs apartment is empty. So maybe we can send them back, ha ha.

I just want a do over. I want an apartment I'm comfortable in, with a kitchen I can actually use. And NO BUGS! NO RATS! I want a home workspace that isn't cramped and uncomfortable, so I can work from home. I want to eliminate my storage units. That involves having a big enough place to keep the things that I don't purge from the storage units. Lots of cupboards and closets, and ideally a garage. And I want to be healthy. Re-read that. Those are all the things that I don't have now. I know there are plenty of people who are worse off than I. I have a roof over my head (tho not sure for how long), I have clean drinking water. I have food. But I don't want to just survive anymore. I want to LIVE! Otherwise, what the fuck is the point?

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Stupid kidneys!

 So my back surgery got canceled because of my kidneys. My kidneys are unhappy with my meds or something, so Dr Ragu told me to stop the losartan and spiro and I have to go see him tomorrow to figure out what next. I am fucking devastated. Granted, my recovery situation at home is not ideal, but I was already taken off the work schedule, and was looking forward to getting the surgery over with. Sorry, I'm going to go cry now...

Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...