Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Christmas Wish Lists

 Christmas wish lists have long been a tradition in my family. From marking up catalogs back in the analog days, to amazon lists in the digital age. I've always thought of giving my wish list as a "here are ideas if you're stumped" kind of thing rather than, "here's what I want please get it for me" kind of thing.

My mom had an idea, if I understood correctly, to make more of a "this is what I want from life" kind of list and then people can come up with their own ideas of how to help you reach those goals. For instance, I need to purge my storage units ASAP. What do I need to do that? Help, mostly. Trash removal. Getting stuff to goodwill or whatever. Moving remaining items I want to keep to a single 10x15 unit at our Halsey location, since it is unlikely to be sold because ESS owns the building.

What else. I need to move. Need to eliminate our bug problem. Need to purge the apartment too, hopefully in the process of moving to a better one. I have lived in this apartment longer than I have lived in any housing ever in my life. Over 8 years. Other than my marriage, Chloe has been my longest roommate. 

And I'm getting old. Everything hurts. I have bone spurs on my spine fer cryin out loud, and my kidneys are only operating at 17% efficiency according to my kidney doc. I'd like to get my RV and travel before I'm too old and sick to do it. Chloe wants to do a boat instead. I know a lot more about road trips on land than I do about boating.

But back to wish lists. I wish... I wish I made enough money at my job that I didn't need to stress over every purchase, that I had money when I needed something, that I could afford to hire movers to handle the heavy lifting (as well as most everything else, ugh).

I wish I could enjoy drinking just water. 

Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...