Wednesday, January 31, 2024

New year, new WTF

 So a lot has happened over the last month, we're talking life-changing shit here. I was admitted to the hospital on 12/29/23 with kidney failure and was in the hospital until 1/10/24. Yeah, spent new years in a hospital bed, but at least Chloe was with me and we shared some sparkling cider as we rang in the new year. New year, whole new life.

I now have hemodialysis 3 times a week at a clinic (eventually working up to home dialysis), I have even more things I'm not allowed to eat, and I have a chest catheter until I get my fistula installed in my arm. The chest catheter makes showering a huge ordeal, so I only do it about once a week. They (the hospital) gave me these wipes to use the rest of the time.

We are also moving from the apartment we have lived in for the last almost 9 years because it is unsafe, what with the rats and everything. Landlord showed up today all aggro and slammed his fist on our door which triggered Chloe and she let him have it (verbally, duh), basically unleashing ALL our frustrations with him, to him. No more Ms. nice guy. He has failed as a landlord and is trying to say we owe $15,000.00??? HELL to the no. HE was the one who dropped the ball on the pandemic relief, which would have paid 80% of our past due rent, and THAT is on HIM. He has refused to do anything about the rats. Or ANY other maintenance. He barely even takes care of the property, like routine stuff. Elizabeth is going to help us prep for any potential court case. Waiting to hear back from her now.

So we are moving to The Astoria, where my mom lives. Thanks to Colen, and the people who donated to the gofundme that my mom set up. Of course, we thought we had more time, but with the landlord showing up today, telling us to move, and Chloe telling him we were already in the process, the time is now to get shit done.

Of course, with all the kidney stuff now I am not allowed to get my back surgery so I have to just suffer in pain. Ugh. Meaning moving is gunna be a bitch if I can't find more help. But we do what we need to do,

Ok, you're updated. I got shit to do. 

Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...