Saturday, August 24, 2019

What comes around, goes around...

..So my Spirit store is open. A lot is different than before. But a lot is coming back to me. The whole being the manager part is not coming back as quickly as I expected. Maybe it's because my assistant was the manager last year at this location. And my other assistant doesn't seem that enthused to actually work. To be fair, they both have other jobs. And so does the person I want to make the third assistant. Nineteen years ago, when I last managed Spirit, people didn't need two and three jobs to survive. Oh how things have changed.
My only complaints so far is that the zone manager seems to want the impossible. Reset all the sections to planogram. Ok, then what do I do with the ten tons of product that we were sent that is NOT in the planogram? Can't store it because we have minimal storage space. Oh, and she wants that cleared out. But I have no where to put it because she wants all the sections to planogram, like WTF. Oh and we got a metric shitton of clearance merchandise, but my store has NO clearance section.
Basically its been a bit of a shitshow. But you know what? Still better than working at Fred Meyer. Just saying.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Why I love Pinterest

Ok, so I have been researching a lot for my upcoming RV Life...and most of it has been on Pinterest. YES, I have actually read a lot of the articles, not just pinned them. But, like, pinning is my favorite part. It's kinda like when I was a kid, marking things that I wanted in the Sears Toy Catalog. OOOH this is neat, save for later. But when is "later"?
RV Life isn't my only board. I save a lot of Diabetes friendly recipes. And dream homes for the future, after my traveling is done. As if I will EVER be able to buy my own home. But I never expected to get all the things I marked in the Sears Toy Catalog either.
I save things to my survivalist prep board, as if I will actually have access to it if the SHTF and we go all Walking Dead and shit.
I wish I could just ABSORB information. Like, I could just read it once and it would forever remain in my brain.
I've been taking French lessons. Duolingo, a free app on my phone. Dunno if it's actually sticking. But its fun. I want to learn ASL, too. ASL.. American sign language. Is french sign language different? Or spanish? If I learn one sign language, doesn't that break other language barriers? It seems like it should.
BUT. Why I love pinterest. Because I do. Why do you love Pinterest?

Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...