Sunday, August 4, 2019

Why I love Pinterest

Ok, so I have been researching a lot for my upcoming RV Life...and most of it has been on Pinterest. YES, I have actually read a lot of the articles, not just pinned them. But, like, pinning is my favorite part. It's kinda like when I was a kid, marking things that I wanted in the Sears Toy Catalog. OOOH this is neat, save for later. But when is "later"?
RV Life isn't my only board. I save a lot of Diabetes friendly recipes. And dream homes for the future, after my traveling is done. As if I will EVER be able to buy my own home. But I never expected to get all the things I marked in the Sears Toy Catalog either.
I save things to my survivalist prep board, as if I will actually have access to it if the SHTF and we go all Walking Dead and shit.
I wish I could just ABSORB information. Like, I could just read it once and it would forever remain in my brain.
I've been taking French lessons. Duolingo, a free app on my phone. Dunno if it's actually sticking. But its fun. I want to learn ASL, too. ASL.. American sign language. Is french sign language different? Or spanish? If I learn one sign language, doesn't that break other language barriers? It seems like it should.
BUT. Why I love pinterest. Because I do. Why do you love Pinterest?

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Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...