I had a great time doing several voices for an audiobook yesterday, got paid at the end (with royalties to come, hopefully), super awesome. Had Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner and caught up on some more episodes of Black Lightning to prepare for the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event coming on the CW. Then I went to bed. Dreamt of Shane. I woke up sad.
I wish things had worked out differently for us. I wish he hadn't died, especially before we got a chance to end our not speaking to each other thing, whatever the hell that was. I will allow myself a few moments to grieve again, but then I must move forward, hoping that wherever he is now, he is at peace. Maybe our tragic story will inspire my writing someday. Not yet though. Too soon still.
I could write a story of what could have been, maybe. Or just write it as it was, maybe gain perspective of where things went wrong. Idk.
BUT. I do need to write something, a short story, something. I'm worried that I've forgotten how. I think I need to become a reader again. I seemed more inspired to write when I read all the time.
My mom said she thinks I'm one of the best writers she has ever known. To have your hero say something like that...but. She's my mom. Of course she's going to say that. :) She's never been one to bullshit me though, so there's that.
I'm really looking forward to hearing the final audiobook when he's done editing it. Plus he said I could use a sample on my voice profiles. Then I need to get more work! If I could make this my career...no more dead-end jobs YAY!! No more thankless retail jobs on my feet all day that damage my physical and mental well being, YAY!
And as I typed that, the Superman theme song came on the classical station that I listen to. Epic. LOL.
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