Monday, August 17, 2020

Normal? What's that?

 So doc has cleared me to return to work. I go back to Party City the week of August 31st. Jared is going to email me the schedule when he's written it.

Ugh. I'm not ready. But I can't live on $294/wk from unemployment (dammit why didn't I save more?!), so I need the money. Also still no stimulus or tax returns, but Lenny (who works at the IRS) said I should see it 6 weeks from August 1st, so about the middle of September. My stupid jeans don't fit anymore because of the quarantine weight gain, thankfully I think I still have my black pants from when I worked at Freddy's, hopefully they still fit. :P 

So life will be getting back to somewhat normal I guess, whatever the hell normal is. I just gotta focus on my goals: save money to get an RV. Keep working on my writing and voice over stuff, maybe look into being a freelance virtual assistant, whatever can make me money on the road. Not that I will be even hitting the road until this virus is fully contained. Start working on downsizing, getting rid of shit. Maintain the car. Hopefully I will get my new title and tags soon. And money back from the DMV, because I'm pretty sure I overpaid them. 

Now that Dr Polo gave me the all clear, I need to make an appointment with Dr Urbanc, because she said we would be tackling my weight gain next. Also, hopefully, my blood sugars, because they've been running higher than normal since she changed my meds. Also quitting smoking. Ugh, and a colonoscopy next week. Can't wait to be done with THAT. Getting old sucks.

Going to watch the Democratic National Convention tonight and try not to barf. 4 days til Lucifer season 5 though, yay! Something better to watch soon. 

I really wanted this to be a better update, I'm just not feeling it right now. Peace out, bitches!

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Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...