Tuesday, November 24, 2020

I need to get better at this...

 Two months and no post? Sorry folks. I suck at motivating myself to write. Not that anyone actually reads this, so I guess I'm apologizing to myself. 

I got a great new job that I think I will really like, I started on November 16th as an Assistant Manager at Extra Space Storage. Having been a customer of theirs for the last 5 years, I feel like I can use my experience to help others, plus there is just the right balance of physical and administrative work, as well as customer service in person and on the phone. It's only $15/hr starting out, but my unit is half off, plus there will be some commission bonuses. 

Also, the people I have met so far are fantastic. I'm working with Cara Zack, one of my best friends from high school, the DTL Jeffery is super awesome, as is Krystal, the other DTL. I'll meet Andrew, the manager at my "home store" on Johnson Creek, this Saturday. 

Still waiting to hear back from Annie about whether or not she's feeling up to do Thanksgiving, she had another back surgery earlier this month. Oregon is on another 2-week lockdown, no traveling, due to covid spikes. (WEAR THE GODDAMN MASK, PEOPLE! STOP CONGREGATING!) Second wave? Or did we ever leave the first wave?

So.. Chloe and I will be with Annie hopefully, Lily and Daisy are with Neil and Theresa down in Glide, Colen and Noah will probably get together, and mom has Kamal and Carol. So we will all be with family, just not all together. I hope Christmas brings better times. I miss my momma and brothers.

Trump lost the presidency, hallelujah. Biden sucks, it should have been Bernie, but at least it's not Trump. And we now have more progressives in Congress than ever. We need a revolution, but I guess our revolution is going to be in smalls gains over time. *sigh* Better than no gains, I suppose.

My car turned out not to be as awesome as I originally thought, the suspension is shot. Still driveable, I just can't have ANY weight in the back seat or trunk beyond groceries. It's going to be over a grand to fix. I wouldn't be as stressed if my damn 2018 tax return would show up. $941. But if it gets sent out after 12/31/2020, my student loans will take it away. Fingers crossed.

Ok, got stuff to do, gotta run. As I always say, I will try to write more often. Just don't hold me to it, ok?


Original post 11/24/20

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Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...