Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Well damn

 So much for "holding out for a hero" (ha ha), or biding my time, or anything. 

I did an FB search to see if Mark had unblocked me since his custody case was over. I found a profile with his name, and his face, saying he's been dating someone named Erica or something since Jan 2023. I thought he had grown up and believed in honesty, as he claimed. Fell for it again, 30 years later. I feel so stupid thinking we actually had something meaningful. So, I'm done. I have to remember to stop sending him rental homes since I now hope he stays in Eugene. I am done trying to navigate the world of dating. I'll be an old spinster, fuck it. I have my family, and my bestie, and the kitties. Who needs anything else, especially in my condition.  :(

We still haven't fully moved yet, partly because of critters, mostly because the furnace at the new place is leaking gas so we can't stay there until they have fixed it, which could be this week or next week. Pretty annoyed I'm paying so much rent on an apartment that I can't live in though. 

At least I get to go pick out some new furniture today, thanks to flex funds through Medicaid. I'm thinking for sure of a dresser, a couch, and maybe a desk...after that, I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping to find a kitchen/microwave cart at least. 

I need to get some bookcases out of storage, I think. If my mom didn't snag them :) I did tell her she could use what she wanted that I wasn't using though. I just have to see what bookcases are left. (Well, and completely condense my 10x15 and 10x10 into one unit, either a 10x10 or a 10x12 at Holladay, or a 10x15 at Halsey. At least my mom said she would help with those, possibly Noah&Chloe too. Summer project, I think.

Things are looking up for my SSI to get approved, I talked to someone with the Oregon Dept of Disabilities Determination. I could see money as soon as a week, but I am not holding my breath. And that's just part one, Part 2 will take longer apparently. In the meantime, I applied for unemployment since I am not unemployed due to any fault of my own. I'm just worried about the job search requirements. Not exactly in a position to just take any job. We'll see what happens when I have my in person at the employment dept.

My fistula is healing nicely, according to the nurses at the clinic. Looks kinda scary to me, but I will assume they know what they're talking about. Not super excited to get stuck with needles 3 times a week, but it will be better than this damn catheter in my chest. Cannot WAIT to get this damn thing out.

That's it for now, I have to go pick out furniture. :)

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Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...