My plan to be an RV living, remote work earning, traveling writer is NOT just a fantasy. I WILL make this happen. I might be retirement age by the time I manage to get it all together, but what better way to spend your retirement, am I right?
The fantasy part is where I imagine my life when it has already happened. Traveling to new places, a dog (and maybe a cat) in tow. Writing up a storm, making good money doing that and doing voice over work from my little mobile studio in my RV. Meeting new people. Life on the road. BUT. There are many obstacles I have yet to overcome. I would have to learn a LOT about RV maintenance. Get better at writing. Figure out how to finance it all until I get my remote streams of income up and running. A retail job that causes me physical pain is not conducive to this plan. I also need to downsize and eliminate my storage unit still. And live somewhere that my finances are not being drained by someone not paying their share of bills.
I've applied at a radio station and touched bases with Vicky Mazzone, a dj I used to be at KPSU with so that I can relearn digital voice production. I want to be able to handle all my own recordings on the road. I've researched being a digital nomad, and ways to get internet while traveling. I've been checking out blogs of people who are already doing the types of things that I want to do, although I haven't found many that really resonate with me yet.
I have an interview with Sandy Berney at Spirit Halloween tomorrow, to be a store manager again. Maybe take a LOA from Freddy's to do that, maybe stay on a day or two a week, I will examine the options. That makes me nervous too honestly, do I remember how to be a store manager? It's been awhile. I was good at it though. Always beat my sales goals (well, except Mall 205, but that wasn't all on me, the location was going downhill.). So we'll see.
I think that is my problem overall.. insecurity in my ability to accomplish my goals. Ties back to my earlier post about being mediocre.
Losing my train of thought. More later.
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