Tuesday, July 30, 2019

I got the job!

So I will be managing a Spirit store again this year... 18 years after my last one. I feel like once I get in there, it will be like riding a bike, but I am worried I've forgotten a lot. But it's like I keep saying, I was meant to be a manager. I'm better at leading a team than just doing a job.
And I need to save up money for my RV Life. Spirit pays slightly better than Freddy's, AND I get a nice bonus right before Xmas. :)
Doing this without a car may be challenging. I have to go to Wilsonville on TriMet/WES train tomorrow, so I have to get up by like 530-6am and be at the 82nd max station by 8am to get to Wilsonville by 9:30, and then hopefully Sandy can get me from the Wilsonville transit station, if not, it's only a mile walk, about the same from my house to Fred Meyer. The hard part is that I close tonight. Gabi is off at 9 but said she might be able to come back and give me a lift home. Fingers crossed!
At least my store is at Lloyd Center, MUCH easier to get to without a car. I really want my car fixed though. Ugh. But then there's getting it legal, and insurance. Blergh. So overwhelming. Gotta find that possessory lien paperwork! It's here somewhere. Or I could just go to DMV again and get another one.
Ok, losing momentum again. I really need to get better at writing.

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Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...