Friday, May 8, 2020

Still no stimulus...

...and still no tax return. I found a copy of my 2018 W2, so I finally got those mailed off, but who knows when I will see that one either. The check my refund button on the IRS website just says "still processing" on my 2019 return, and I imagine I won't see the stimulus until after my tax return is processed. At least I was able to figure out that I *did* give them my direct deposit info (for my Chime card), so at least I won't have to wait additional time for a paper check. But still. It's frustrating. And in the news, it appears that I will probably have to go back to work in a month or so. No confirmation on that for sure, just my best guess with the information provided.

I finished Grimm a few days ago, and I find myself missing that fictional world. Too bad it ended at season 6. It was so much better than I originally thought. I am REALLY wishing season 5 of Lucifer would hurry up and drop, I can only rewatch the whole series so many times...At least some of my CW shows are still airing episodes. Those will run out soon too, I'm sure.

Mostly I am just so bored... bored with food choices, entertainment choices, activity options...I guess cabin fever is finally setting in. Even things that I would otherwise be all for just seem...meh. One thing recently did excite me tho... they revealed the lineup for Drag Race All Stars 5. It looks like it will be awesome! I skipped season 12 of Drag Race because I just couldn't get enthused about it (although I did watch Snatch Game on YouTube).

It's a beautiful day out...Sunny, 81 degrees...and I've been inside all day. Meh. In a world not shuttered by a pandemic, I would have found a way to the river by now. Or at least that's what I tell myself. I didn't do much more than work last summer, so, there's that.

Omg Under Pressure by David Bowie just came on my Spotify playlist and all I can think of is when they sang the song on The Magicians... it was SO GOOD. And Chloe keeps procrastinating us watching the rest of season 5 because it's the last one. I understand, but damn I really want to see it!

Ok, that's it for me for now. Hopefully I'll remember to update again sooner rather than later.

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Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...