Sunday, November 27, 2022

Almost Christmas already? Where does the time go...

 Ok, so it's not even December yet... but my prospects for present buying at this point are next to nil. Life is so damn expensive. And yes, Chloe could be helping more. But she is trying. She did 2 markets over the weekend and made some money, but I'm sure not as much as she had hoped. 

Still no word from Mark. Intrusive thoughts say he was just playing, everything I saw and felt was in my imagination, I went overboard, but dammit, it felt SO real. I don't get it. So I wait. In the hopes that it wasn't just my imagination. Not like I am putting my life on hold or anything. Just holding a place for him. Just in case. Missing him is a daily ache I deal with. 

Passed my 2-year mark at Extra Space in silence, with no kudos from my coworkers or boss or anything. Just an internal satisfaction that I made it another year, the disappointment that I still haven't been promoted, the uncertainty that I even want to be. I want to be working for myself, writing and doing voice work, but I can't seem to be a very motivational boss to myself lol. I save pins on Pinterest, but I never manage to take the action needed to make them happen.

I think it's partly my environment. This apartment...omg we need to get the exterminators in here so bad, but after working so much, neither Chloe nor I have the motivation to do the prep work necessary. Cleaning is the last thing we want to do when we are exhausted, physically and mentally. But it is SO badly needed. Not just for us, but for our furbabies, too.

Made it through the first holiday without Annie. I feel like she was there, at least part of the time, grumpy that I didn't make double-layer pumpkin cheesecake, but I think she would have liked my cranberry fluff. She was probably with us and also with her kids in Glide. Carol and Marty were there, and Chloe, although Chloe had to leave a little early to get ready for her market. All in all, a very good feast. And I got texts back from both of my brothers, which was nice. Christmas will be with them, Colen's on Xmas eve, and Noah's new place on Xmas day. Mom is renting an SUV, and we are going up with her, Kamal, and the kids. 

Regardless, I am taking Annie's birthday off. It's a Wednesday, so I will also have the day after off. I just need to sit down and allow myself to feel the grief that I have pushed down under the surface and get through it. If that's even possible. Maybe do a healing spell? At least meditate.

In the interest of trying to get back into writing, I really am going to try and write more often. Call it a pre-new years resolution. :) But, as usual, don't hold me to it, ok? :)

Friday, August 19, 2022

I'm trying not to care so much

He said he missed me. But he hasn't said he loves me in so long. I can feel the the walls around my heart starting to go up, but I don't want them to. I'm starting to believe I'll be alone forever.
I really thought... I guess it doesn't matter. What is meant to be, will be. I thought he'd at least make an effort to let me know he still wants us. 
My heart breaks every day that I don't hear from him.
It hurts so much. It hurts to think I wasn't worth it. That I'm not enough to fight for. 
I haven't given up. But I get closer, every day of silence.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Chloe thinks I'm an idiot

I think she's more mad about Mark's radio silence than I am. She thinks I should write him off and move on. But I'm not ready to do that yet. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. But the more time that goes by without communication, the more I wonder if I'm just being played. It hurts so much. I don't know what to do at this point.

Friday, August 5, 2022


Getting through each day without hearing from him is so hard. I want to cry all the time. My heart feels like lead, sitting in the pit of my stomach. I'm trying. I really am. I just keep trying to figure out what i did wrong. I mean, yeah, he could have cut off all communication because he is paranoid that even talking to me would jeopardize his custody case. But if that's true, why can't he at least have one last conversation with me to tell me that? Not last, last. Just last until he's won. Then we can start again. I'm really hoping that's all it is. The morbid side of my brain wonders if this was all a huge revenge plot because of what happened 27 years ago... but he's not that guy anymore. At least, I don't believe he is. 
This is so hard. I'm not giving up. But damn it hurts.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Well that was rather short-lived. I thought I'd finally found my soulmate. And then he ghosted me. Just like Shane did. I am so frustrated. I no longer trust my instincts. I no longer trust my heart. I am so just, DONE. I cry myself to sleep. Not because he has other shit to deal with right now, I can accept that. But TOTAL LACK OF COMMUNICATION? Complete radio silence? So disrespectful! I can't. It hurts. I stupidly hold out hope. Hope that my gut was right about him being the one. Hope that we will get through this. But it hurts.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Annie was...

 ...well, let's face it, Annie was a huge pain in my ass for a lot of her life. As a child, she wanted my attention way too much. I was in my teens, my early twenties, and Annie was just...too much. Hyperactive, annoying as hell...always right, never wrong...I am SO grateful that for the last couple of years, we were actually friends. Annie was an amazing human. She cared so much for others. She was the most giving, most phenomenal woman I have ever known. And she was strong. Our mom raised us to be strong women, and I feel Annie excelled at that. 

I will miss her until we are together again.

I can't believe she's gone. 

I have no more words.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Grief is heavy.

Grief is heavy, like a weight on your chest. I feel like I am suffocating. I look ok on the outside, but I'm screaming and pounding on the walls of my mind. Not fair. Too young. Not real. Surreal.

Grief comes in waves. One minute you're fine, going about your business when suddenly you see or hear something that reminds you of them, and grief crashes over you.

My sister died May 7, 2022, of a major heart attack. I'm still processing. She knew it might happen. I guess I did too. But you always think you have more time, and then too suddenly, time runs out. 

My brother Colen has the same heart condition. Genetic. So I'm going to have my heart checked out too. My mother should not outlive her children.

My youngest brother Noah just got engaged to an amazing, wonderful woman. A bright spot in the darkness. I am happy for him.

And I have reconnected with the man I realize now was the true love of my life. He has been amazing and supportive through everything. 

And life must carry on. I need to figure out a way to honor my sister. She was an amazing woman. I will always miss and love her. But I must figure out how to get through this. 

Grief is a part of life. But a really unfair part.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Distance is hard.

I know it will be all worth it. He is so wonderful. But not being able to be with him is SO HARD. The future looks bright but I want it NOW, lol. But we have so many things to do to build that future together. Divorces, for one. And he and his son moving up here in June. House, job, and school needs to happen before the move does. Then they'll need time to get settled in. I need to purge my storage units. Need to purge the apartment before that. Help Chloe with what she needs to prepare to live by herself, or with another roommate. And through all this, getting to know Kaiden, hoping he will accept me. Learning how to interact with him. And then eventually, a wedding to plan. :) Already dreaming about that one... :)
I am so freaking happy. I'm just impatient. :)

Monday, April 11, 2022

Only Time ~Enya

Who can say where the road goes?
Where the day flows? Only time
And who can say if your love grows
As your heart chose? Only time
Who can say why your heart sighs
As your love flies? Only time
And who can say why your heart cries
When your love lies? Only time
Who can say when the roads meet?
That love might be in your heart?
And who can say when the day sleeps
If the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart
Who can say if your love grows
As your heart chose? Only time
And who can say where the road goes?
Where the day flows? Only time
Who knows? Only time
Who knows? Only time

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

We already have a song.

Love Again by New Hope Club:

It's been a year, two weeks, one day, I
Knew the minute that I saw your face that
Only thing that never changed was you
Your perfume's intoxicating
You still smile when you say my name and
I love the way that you dance across the room
And it comes rushing back
As the moment passed
Make me wanna grab your hand
And pull you back
Tell me, have I lost my mind again?
I get the feeling you might feel the same
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
And even though we're in this crowded room
I'm feeling like there's no one else but you
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
It's been a minute, six seconds, now I want you
'Bout to risk it all, baby, if you want to
See that look in your eyes and I guess you do
And it comes rushing back
As the moment passed
Make me wanna grab your hand
And pull you back
Tell me, have I lost my mind again?
I get the feeling you might feel the same
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
And even though we're in this crowded room
I'm feeling like there's no one else but you
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
If I make a move are you down with that?
Go in for a kiss, would you kiss me back?
Feel that love, feel that love again
If I wrap my arms around you and I pull you close
Tell you once again that I'm taking you home
Feel that love, feel that love again
Let me know
Let me know
Let me know
Tell me, have I lost my mind again?
I get the feeling you might feel the same
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again (no)
And even though we're in this crowded room
I'm feeling like there's no one else but you
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
(Tell me can you feel that love)
If I make a move are you down with that?
Go in for a kiss, would you kiss me back?
Feel that love, feel that love again
If I wrap my arms around you and I pull you close
Tell you once again that I'm taking you home
Feel that love, feel that love again

I'm in love.

This feeling. So new and so old at the same time. I know his soul, he knows mine... He has changed so much.. he has become everything I have wanted in a partner. My heart swells with love whenever I think of him. When we first met up, it was like, explosive, blowing open the box of emotions and memories that I had locked up so long ago.. since that first meeting, we have been getting to know each other, the people we are now, and I have fallen in love with him all over again. This is it. He is the one I didn't even know I was waiting for. And I see a really bright future for us. I knew I would probably be single forever unless I rekindled something with someone I had known before... I just didn't know it would be Mark.. but now that it is, I'm like, who else? I was never as close with anyone as I was with Mark. Not even my ex-husband. Mark and I entwined our souls.. we were just so young and, well, dumb back then. We are grown now, and I am amazed every day how wonderful he is. He is the one. Again. :)

Sunday, January 23, 2022

No words.

 Except, I really need to blog more.

Today's topic is qualities I desire in a future partner, more specifically, a future road trip partner. A mechanic is a good place to start because I am lost when it comes to that. And they have to be someone I am happy to spend day in and day out within a small space. If they are already working remotely, that is a huge plus, but at least the ability to. I do not want to be the only source of income. Patient, supportive, understanding, tolerant. Someone who I can work with as a team, a partner in the truest sense. Aesthetically pleasing will get you in the door, but intelligence and compassion keep you from getting booted out. A great sense of humor helps too. I love to laugh. :)

Someone who adores me, flaws and all, is a must of course, which is in no way a one-way street. Someone who has flaws I can tolerate is necessary as well. I cannot tolerate racism, bigotry, extremist religious ideas, or extreme conservatism. I am the progressive left, after all. I cannot tolerate extreme poor hygiene, extreme slobbishness, or out-of-control addictions. 

Someone who can respect my friendship with my best friend, and will never demand that I choose between them. Someone who seeks solutions to problems rather than making demands, or walking away when things are rough. 

Wickedly funny and a little weird are bonuses. They have to be simpatico with MY weirdness and humor. Someone who doesn't hate musicals or sci-fi or fantasy. 

I may update this over time, but this will suffice for now.

Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...