Thursday, March 21, 2019

Some good news...

So I thought that I had been gaining weight back because I haven't been as strict with my diet. I didn't know for sure because the batteries died in the scale. I got batteries last night and put them in this morning. I stepped on the scale, dreading the outcome. 225.0. Four pounds down from last weigh in. Just to be safe, I stepped on it two more times. Both times it came up 225.0. Woo hoo!
25 more pounds until I step it up and start actually working out. Oh sure, I could just do that anyway, but that was the goal I set. 200 pounds and I start working out.
The other thing that happened today made me less happy, the start of my "monthly" cycle, which isn't so monthly anymore. PeriodTracker said 21 days past due. So cramps are part of my daily life for the next few days. Yippee.
Ya take the good ya take the bad and there you have the Facts of Life, LOL
Still stressed about bills. Storage unit payment is late, rent is late. Sending landlord $200 from this check, which will leave me $26 to my name till next check, which is also almost gone because storage unit/phone/rent. I spent $91 on groceries and necessities last night because I was tired of having no freaking food in the house. I HATE BEING BROKE. I need to actually sit down and go through, and start working on, the money making ideas that I pinned on Pinterest instead of just pinning them. I also need to work on advertising for Grn Tea Magazine. I feel like I'm letting Noah down, but I seriously have been working so much at Freddy's that I haven't had the time.
I need to get my passive income streams up and running so I don't have to stress as much about getting hours and can have more free time.
Speaking of stress, I got kicked off Medicaid because I make too much money, so now I have to pay for everything out of pocket. Yes, I can get insurance through work, but it is seriously worthless. $400 deductible PLUS $10 a week PLUS copays. Fucking ridiculous. SO I decided to wean myself off the Effexor and deal with my depression without medication. Fingers crossed. I'm down to Levothyroxine, Lisinpopril, Atorvastatin, and Tamoxifen. That last one I am finally done with in October, provided my April mammogram (that I have NO idea how I'm going to pay for) comes back still cancer free. I am too old, with too many health issues to be without insurance. This sucks.

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Just wanted to share this..

 ...this just popped up on my Facebook feed (credit given at end): In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German governmen...