My friend Katie, who I've known since my early teens, says she has an older RV she can sell me. Granted I will have to take some time saving up for it, but I kinda freaked. Like, this can happen! I just have stuff to do first. I have to go through my storage until and find stuff to donate and to sell. Find anything Annie or my mom wants to keep. I should start selling my Buffy collectibles on Ebay. And other collectibles that I acquired during my years at Spencer Gifts. I'll keep a few small items, of course. The storage unit needs to go. Maybe I should start by paring down items I have in the apartment, so if there are things in the storage unit that I absolutely MUST keep (camping and river gear, for example), I can store them here. Family heirlooms to Annie and my mom.
I have journals dating back to when I was eight, because I fully expected to end up famous, and I wanted my biographer to have plenty to work with, lol. Silly, I guess. I should be my own biographer.
I found out today that there may be a way to keep the Magnum, and Chloe wants to fix it. I called the DMV and they said I need to go into a branch and pick up a posessorary (sp?) lien packet so that I can get the title. HELLS yes. Chloe can have the damn car, I don't care. I want an RV and a moped that I can hang on the back.
My mom sent me an email that she got about a travel writer's course I can take. OMG THIS IS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN.
This journal is, of course, to get me back into the hang of writing again. I used to write in my Livejournal every day back when I was married, and shortly after Q and I split up. Oh hey, maybe I should get divorced too. I don't know. I need to go talk to Q about it again. I do need a working vehicle to get to Eugene to do that.
March 23rd will mark my one year anniversary at Fred Meyer. I have 260 hours to go until I get bumped up to $15 an hour. I NEED to get signed up for health insurance before my mammogram in April. Erg. I hate that I got kicked off OHP. The insurance through work SUCKS. WE NEED MEDICARE FOR ALL ASAP!!!! VOTE BERNIE!!!
April 5th will mark one year since the accident with the Magnum. April 8th I am going to go apply for Lyft's rental program again, and drive when I'm not working at Freddy's. If it goes well, maybe I can cut back my hours at Freddy's and drive more. All I need is the $250 deposit, which I am hoping Colen will spot me, as I have kept my promise and waited a minimum of 1 year to ask him for money. (Well, as of March 19th). My mom thinks he might support the plan if it means me becoming financially independent. Jacob makes $800-1000 a week with Lyft. Of course, he does it full time. So I figure I will set my Lyft direct deposit to my Chime card, which has a savings account set up on it (I set that up a few months ago), so that I can transfer some of my earnings into it to save up for the RV.
I wonder if Lyft offers medical insurance?
Ok, so: Declutter. Set up Ebay sellers account and sell stuff. Get title for Magnum. Lots of journaling. Sign up with Lyft. Work work work make that money. Continue to research work from home/on the road jobs. Set up website on Wordpress. Set up affiliate marketing plan, and passive income plan. Buy Katie's RV. Buy a moped. Learn to ride a moped, lol. Maybe get divorced, and go back to just Kate Garoutte, drop the Smith? Change Katherine to Kate, as my mom had originally wanted it? Maybe.
And. Volunteer with the Bernie Sanders campaign. If Bernie becomes president and gets Medicare for All enacted, then I won't have to worry about my health while on the road so much.
I have so much to do. THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN.
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