Saturday, February 25, 2023

Snowpacalypse 2023

Forecasters said we might get a "dusting". Instead, we got the 2nd biggest snowstorm since they started recording in 1939. 10.8 inches Wednesday night/Thursday morning. I was at work, alone, when it started. I wound up having to leave my car there or risk having to leave it on the side of the road somewhere when I got stuck. John (my neighbor) came and picked me up. He also took me to work Friday morning, because due to freezing temperatures, the snow wasn't going anywhere. And picked me up after work. Saturday morning, my only option was to walk. I woke up at 6am, but my back was in excruciating pain. I laid down to do some stretches, after texting my boss that I wasn't sure if I would make it. Next thing I knew it was 12pm. I eventually came to the conclusion that besides my pain, I just really needed a day off. It will hurt the paycheck but has done wonders for my mental health.
BUT... the snow is not done with us. More to come in about 2 hours. Thank god I'm off tomorrow. But... I need to do the laundry. I'm dangerously close to running out of food and I don't get paid until Thursday. I am so sick of barely scraping by. Do I need to find a new job? I like my job, it's just kinda painful at times. I do miss working from home at my computer. But when I was doing that, I missed ftf interactions with my customers. 
Sooo... I'm drinking. Even though I said I was done. Because fuck it. I have booze in the house, Chloe is at Rob's for the night. And, well, sometimes it helps me think. And if I drink it, then it will be gone, and I'll be done, for good. Seriously, so over it. Tonight is grand, I'm feeling great, but tomorrow will suck. And I am so sick of that. So I'm done. As of tomorrow. 
Hopefully the snow will be over and done soon and spring will begin. I need to move somewhere with better weather. Or just get my RV and chase the better weather all year round. Someday.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Did I say *before* February??

 ...I must have meant before the END of February, lol. :)

My birthday was great. On the 12th my mom and I went out and got haircuts and had lunch at Applebee's. She also gave me an Amazon gift card and a giant squishmallow :) On the 13th I had to work a couple hours and then went home to shower and change. Chloe was all, oh hey Christina wanted you to come over for a drink before we went out...We got there and it was a surprise party :) I kinda had a feeling, but it was still a fun surprise. We mostly hung out, drank, ate snacks, and then we broke out the karaoke machine for a bit. I didn't go as hard as new years, but I did need a full day to recover, lol. I think I'm done, done. Drinking is no longer fun. Well, at least the recovery isn't. I'm over it.

The big project now is dealing with the apartment. Deep purge and clean and exterminate. I worked on the kitchen today. Last night after work I cleaned out my car and under my desk. I'm exhausted. This is gonna have to be in small chunks over time. Also working on getting rental assistance to get the landlord paid so we can go after him for his neglect of maintenance issues. 

Watched the first episode of season 3 of Picard the other night, plus all the little extras. I have a very long essay about Star Trek in me somewhere, but not quite ready to put it down in words yet. Maybe that will be my breakout article to kick off my writing career. 


Snowstorm. I swear, whenever the weatherman says "a light dusting" we get a snowstorm and vice versa. The city is a mess. It seems no one was prepared for the near blizzard we got. It's still coming down, supposed to keep snowing until about 6am. I had to leave my car at work. Hopefully, it's still there when I get back. At least it's on camera. John (neighbor) came and rescued me in his big truck. Getting into it was comical, lol. I just don't have the acrobatic skills that I used to. But I finally got in, and got home. Then Chloe made me chicken noodle soup for dinner. :) 

I guess I will wrap this up for now. I really will try to write more often. But once again, don't hold me to it. :P

GAH! I am so overwhelmed..

 The moving process, my health, still grieving my sister, trying to sort out my feelings about Mark (We talked... as usual things are not as...